
本篇文章给大家谈谈高中英语必修二,以及高中英语必修二课本单词表对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、高中人教英语必修二知识点...






【重点单词、 短语 】

1. roll 滚动,摇晃,卷,

2. dream of 梦见,梦想

3. to be honest 实话说

4. attach 系上,附加

attach …to 认为有……(重要性、意义)

5. form 组成,形成,构成

6. earn 赚,挣得

7. perform 表演,执行,履行

8. in cash 用现金,有现钱

9. play jokes on 戏弄

10. rely on 依赖,依靠

11. be/get familiar with 熟悉

12. or so 大约

13. break up 打碎,分裂

14. in addition 另外

15. sort out 分类

16. above all 最重要,首先


1. dream of/about 梦想做…

2. to be honest= honestly speaking = to tell the truth 说实话

3. form the habit of... 形成…习惯

in the form of… 以…形式

4. I would appreciate it if… 如果…我将不胜感激.

go wrong 出故障 come up with 提出 make up 构成;编造 a5. as is often the case 情况通常如此

6. It looks as if it is going to rain.(真实语气:很有可能发生)

He treats me as if I were a stranger. (虚拟语气:与现在事实He talked about Rome as if he had been there before. (虚拟语气:与过去事实相反)



1. die out 灭亡、逐渐消失

2. hunt 打猎,猎取

3. in peace 和平地,安详地

4. in danger of 在危险中

5. in relief 如释重负,松了口气

6. burst into laughter 突然笑起来

7. protect…from 保护…不受…之害

8. contain 包含,容纳,容忍

9. affect影响,感动,侵袭

10. pay attention to 注意

11. appreciate 鉴赏,感激

12. succeed 成功,接替

13. employ 雇佣,利用

14. harm 危害

15. bite 咬,叮

16. come into being 形成,产生

17. inspect 检查,视察

18. according to 按照,根据

19. so that 以至于


1. succeed in doing sth 成功的做某事

succeed to sth 继承某事

2. under construction/discussion 正在被建设/讨论

in use 正在被使用

3. do harm to sth = be harmful to sth 对…有害

there is no harm in doing sth 做某事无害

4. be used to do sth 被用来做…

used to sth 过去常常做...

be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

5. It won’t be long before… 过不了多久…就会…

6. take measures to do sth 采取 措施 做某事

7. with的复合结构:with + n/pron + adj/adv/ 介词短语/现在分词/过去分词/不定式

With a lot of problems to settle, she can’t go out. (将来)

With time going by, he is getting along well with his English. (主动,进行)

With the work done, he can go out. (被动,完成)



1. solve 解决;解答

2. from…on 从…...时起

3. as a result 结果

4. so…that 如此…以至于

5. explore 探索,探测,研究

6. anyhow 无论如何,即使如此

7. goal 目标,球门,得分

8. human race 人类

9. signal 发信号,信号

10. type 类型,打字

11. in a way 在某种程度上

12. arise 出现,发生

13. with the help of 在…...的帮助下

14. electronic 电子的

15. deal with 处理

16. watch over 看守,监视

17. rise/arise/arouse/raise的区别


1. certain和sure的句型

sb. be sure/certain of…= sb. be sure/certain that从句:某人确信…

be sure/certain to do sth. 肯定会做…

It’s certain that从句 肯定会

例如:It’s certain that he will succeed.=He’s sure/certain to succeed.他肯定会成功的。

I’m sure/certain of his success.= I’m sure/certain that he will succeed. 我确信他会成功的。

2. 主语+ be + adj + to do The question is easy to answer.

3. 状语从句的省略

在when, while, if, unless, though, once等引导的状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致, 且从句中的谓语含有be动词时, 为了使 句子 简洁, 可省略从句中的主语和be动词。

While playing in the snow, the two pandas had great fun.

Unless invited, he has decided not to attend that activity.



1. compete 比赛,竞争

2. take part in 参加,参与

3. stand for 代表,象征,表示

4. admit 容许,接纳,承认

5. as well 也,又,还

6. host 做东,招待,主人

7. replace 代替

8. charge 收费,控诉

in charge 主管,看管

9. advertise I做 广告 ,登广告

10. bargain 讨价还价,讲条件,便宜货

11. one after another 一个接一个地

12. deserve 应受(报答或惩罚)

13. deserve的用法

deserve to do sth 应该做/值得做

deserve doing = deserve to be done 值得… (doing 表被动意义)

Your suggestion deserves to be considered = deserves considering.

( 用法相似的动词:need/want/require doing= need/want/require to be done 需要….)

14. take part in : 参加有组织的、重大的活动

join in 参加正在进行的活动

join: 参加团体,党派和组织,成为其中的一员(join the army; join the party)

attend: 出席,参加,后跟 meeting,wedding,class, course等


1. nor/neither + 助动词/be/情态动词 + 主语:表示“…也不这样”

I have never been abroad, and neither/nor has he.

If you don’t go to the party, nor will I.

2. So+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语 :表示“...也是的一样的”, 强调后者同前者肯定情况一样。

3. So+主语+情态动词/助动词/be动词:表示 “的确如此”,对前面情况的肯定。

4. not only…but (also)… 不但...而且...

Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics.

(1) 引导并列结构:引导主语时,谓语动词 就近原则。

(2) 引导并列句时,not only句倒装,即前倒后不倒。

Not only did they take photos, but also they had a bid dinner.



1. survive 幸免,生存,生还

2. in search of 寻找

3. select 挑选

4. design 设计,图案,构思

5. fancy 奇特的,异样的,想象

6. decorate 装饰,装潢

7. belong to 属于

8. in return 作为回报

9. at war 处于交战中

10. remove 移动,搬动

11. less than 少于

12. doubt 怀疑

13. worth 值得的,相当于…的价值

14. take apart 拆开

15. explode 爆炸

16. sink 下沉,沉下

17. think highly of 高度评价


1. There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…

2. when的用法

was/were doing…when… 正在做某事…这时

was/were about to do… when…. 将要做某事…这时

had just done…when… 刚做完某事…这时

3. China is larger than any other country in the world. (同一范围内的比较)

She runs faster than any man in Greece. (不同范围内的比较)

4. the way的用法

The way___ he explained to us was quite simple. (that/which/省略)

The way ___ he explained the sentence to us was not difficult. (that/in which/省略)

5. worth的用法

be (well) worth doing sth (很)值得做某事

be worthy to be done = be worthy of being done

It’s worthwhile to do sth = it’s worthwhile doing sth

6. “疑问词+ to do” 结构,在句中做主语、宾语、表语

How to do it is a question.

I don’t know what to do next.

7. it做形式主语

It has been proved that pride goes before a fall.


8. what 引导主语从句,在从句中作主语

What he has said is of great importance.

What happened to him remained unknown.



Diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge,hard-working is the boat to the endless sea of learning.

高中人教英语必修二知识点相关 文章 :

★ 高中英语必修二知识点总结

★ 高中英语必修二知识点

★ 高一英语必修二知识点梳理

★ 人教版必修二英语语法

★ 高中英语必修二第一单元知识习题及答案

★ 高二英语必修二Unit5必背知识

★ 高中必修二英语知识点

★ 高一英语必修二知识点总结

★ 高一英语必修二unit2知识点

★ 高一英语必修二unit1知识点

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1.the ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会

2. stand for 代表;表示;主张;支持;拥护

3. take part in 参加有组织的、重大的活动

join in参加在进行着的活动或游戏(球赛,游戏,舞会等)


join sb. in doing sth.加入某人做某事

attend参加婚礼、典礼、讲座、会议、上课等(wedding, ceremony, lecture, meting, class, school)

4. come on a magical journey 做梦幻之游

come on (表劝说,鼓励等)来吧,走吧;开始

5. be a volunteer for 做……志愿者

volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事

6. nowadays当今,现在

7. used to do sth.过去常常做某事

be used to do sth.被用来做

get/be used to (doing) sth.习惯做...

8. every two days, every second day, everyother day每两天/每隔一天

every few meters每几米

9. on a regular basis定期地

10. together with和…一起

11. host n.主人,主持人 v. 主办,举行

12. admit(admitted, admitting )承认,容纳,接纳

be admitted as 作为…被接受

admit n./doing sth./having done sth./that从句 承认某事/(已经)做了某事

be admitted to/into… 被…录取,被允许、接纳进入

admit sb./sth. to be 承认某人/某物是…

13. as well 也;又;同样

as well as (除...之外)也,既...又 conj. 以及,又

14. take responsibility for…

be responsible for对……负有责任,负起对……的责任

15. replace(=take the place of ) replacesb./sth.取代某人/某物

replace…with/by …以…取代

16. put forward 呈上;提出;提前

come up with提出,相出

17. advertise sth.打广告

18. be in/under sb’s charge= in /under thecharge of sb.由…负责/管理

in charge of 或take charge of负责,掌管

free of charge=for free免费

charge sb. some money for sth. 因某事/物而向某人索价

get charged充电

charge sb. with (doing) sth.控告某人(做)某事

19. physical exercise 体育锻炼

20. be fined+金钱“被罚款”

21. win glory for sb. 为某人赢得荣誉

22. hopeless绝望的

23. bargain讨价还价,便宜货

make a bargain with sb.与某人达成协议/成交

24. pick up 捡起来;接某人

25. be in pain疼痛

take great pains to do sth.煞费苦心做某事

26. promise许诺,答应;预示,有望

promise (sb.)to do sth. 答应(某人)做某事

promise (sb.)sth. 答应某人某事

promise (sb.)that从句

make a promise 许诺

keep a promise 遵守诺言

carry out one’s promise 履行诺言

break one’s promise不遵守诺言

27. marry v.结婚,嫁,娶

married adj.已婚的

marriage n.婚姻

Be/get married to sb与某人结婚

marry sb. to sb.把某人嫁给某人

A marry B A娶了/嫁给B

28. one after another 一个接一个地,络绎不绝地 (连续性)

one by one逐一地 (顺序性)

29. deserve vivt.应受(报答或惩罚),值得

deserve to do sth理应做,值得做

deserve to be done= deserve doing应该,值得 (主动形式表示被动意义) deserve sth.应得

deserve to be rewarded /punished] 该奖[罚]

deserve punishment应当受罚


1. No other countries could join in, norcould slaves or women. 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。 (否定词置于句首,句子倒装。)

⑴ So+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语 “也是的一样的”, 强调后者同前者肯定情况一样。

⑵ Neither/Nor+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语“也不” , 强调后者同前者否定情况一样。

⑶ So+主语+情态动词/助动词/be动词 “的确如此啊”,对前面情况的肯定。

2. Women are not only allowed, but playa very important role in gymnastics…

not only…but (also)…不但。。。而且。。。

(1) 引导并列结构:引导主语时,谓语动词就近原则。

(2) 引导并列句时,not only句倒装,即前倒后不倒。

例如:Not only did they take photos, but also theyhad a bid dinner.

3. There is as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样地激烈。

(1) as/so + 形容词/副词原级 + as…

例如:He is astall as his brother, but he doesn’t study as/so well as his brother.

(2) as/so + 形容词+ 不可数名词/可数名词复数+ as…

例如:He gave meas valuable advice as you did.

(3) as/so + 形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数 + as…

例如:Tom is astall a boy as Harry.



一. 概念:主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。

二. 各种时态被动语态的形式

1. 一般现在时的被动语态 am/is/are + done

2. 一般过去时的被动语态 was/were + done

3. 一般将来时的被动语态 ⑴will be done is/am/are going to be done

4. 现在进行时的被动语态 is/am/are + being + done

表示说话人说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作,经常和时间副词now (现在), right now (现在, 此刻), at present (现在,目前), at this moment (此刻)连用。

5.现在完成时的被动 have/has been done

现在完成时常与already, always, often, ever, never, yet, not...yet, just等不表示明确的时间副词连用, 还可以和表示时间一直延续到目前的带(ever )since, for的状语及包括现在在内的词连用。如: now, today, this month, this year, recently, these days,many times, so far, by now, in the past/last few days/years… 等。 6. 过去完成时的被动 had been done

7. 过去将来时的被动 would be done

8. 过去进行时的被动 was/were being done

9. 带情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 + be done

10. 动词不定式的被动式 to be done

e.g. It is an honor for me to be asked to speak here.

三. 注意事项

1. 并不是所有动词都有被动语态

happen, take place, break out, belong to, cost, last等不及物动词或词组无被动语态。

2. 短语动词、固定搭配变被动语态介词或副词不能省。

E.g. Time should be made full use of.

3. 双宾语:一个宾语成主语,另一主语保留不变。

E.g. Mother will buy me an iphone5. → I will be bought an iphone5 (by my mother) .






die out灭亡,逐渐消失


in peace和平地,安详地

in danger of在危险中

in relief,如释重负,松了口气

burst into laughter突然笑起来



succeed in doing sth成功的做某事

succeed to sth继承某事

under construction/discussion正在被建设/讨论

there is noharm in doing sth做某事无害

be used to do sth被用来做…

used to sth过去常常做...




1. d ream of /about sb/sth/doing sth 梦想 / 梦见

r ealize one’s dream 实现 … 的梦想

one’s dream come true 某人的梦想得以实现

dream a … dream 做一个 …. 的梦

2. p retend to do sth 假装做某事

p retend to be doing sth 假装在做某事

p retend to have done sth 假装做了某事

3. t o be honest =to tell (you) the truth 说实话,老实地说

t o be frank 坦率地说 to be exact 确切地说

4. a ttach …to … 把 … 附 ( 系 ) 在 … 上

a ttach importance/value/weight to sth 认为 … 重要 / 有价值 / 有分量

5. f orm a/an … habit 养成 … 的习惯

i n the form of … 以 … 形式

6. p asser-by----passersby-by 路人 lookers-on 旁观者

s ister-in –law----sisters-in-law 嫂子 two women doctors

grown-up--grown-ups 成人 两个女医生


7. e arn one’s living by… = make one’s living by… 维持生计

8. p erform an experiment 做实验

p erform one’s promise 履行诺言

9. p lay jokes on sb 戏弄 …/ 同 … 开玩笑

m ake fun of sb/sth 取笑 …

p lay a trick on sb 捉弄 …

10. r ely on sb/sth ( to do sth )依靠 / 信任 ….

r ely on it that + 句子 相信 …/ 指望 …

11. b e familiar with … 对 … 熟悉

b e familiar to … 为 / 被 … 所熟悉

12. b reak out 散开 / 破碎 / 使 … 分手 break through 突破 / 做出新的重大发现

b reak down 出故障 / 失败 / 垮掉 break off 断开 / 使折断

13. i n addition 另外 / 也 in addition to 除 … 以外(还)

14. s ort out 理顺 / 整理、把 … 安排好 all sorts of 各种各样的

15. hit (n) 走红 / 一举成功,很受欢迎的人 / 事

She has become a hit here. 她在这里很受欢迎 .

16. ( much ) To one’s great( deep)surprise/joy/anger/relief

令 … 惊讶 / 高兴 / 生气 / 放心的是 happiness/ sadness

“ To one’s + 情感类 名词”结构中可以用 great/deep 修饰名词,也可以在结构前加 much 来修饰表示程度。

17. b e confident about… 对 … 有信心

b e confident of 对 … 有把握

h ave/show (lose) confidence in sb/sth 对 … 有 ( 失去 ) 信心

18. i n short= in brief=briefly 简而言之 / 简短地 / 简洁地

19. d evote (time,energy,life…) to … 把时间,精力,生命 … 献给 …

d evote oneself to… 专注于 …

be devoted to… 专注于 …

20. e njoy doing sth 喜欢做什么

21. g o wrong 犯错误,做错事,出故障

g o deaf/mad/blind/bad 变得耳聋 / 发疯 / 变瞎 / 变质

22. m ake sense 有意义 / 讲得通 make sense of… 理解 / 弄懂 …

b e sensitive to sth 对 … 的(态度或感受)敏感 / 过敏等

23. agree with sb/idea/ opinion 同意某人的意见,观点看法

agree with sb/sth (气候,食物)适合 …

agree to sth 同意某人的计划,安排,建议等

agree on sth 就 … 达成协议

24. s b come up with sth 提出(问题);想出办法

s b put forward/raise sth 提出(问题);想出办法


The questions come up in the conversation. (主动表示被动含义)

The questions were come up with in the conversation

那些问题在会谈中提了出来 .

25. s tick to 坚持 (to 是介词 ) stick …to… 把 … 粘在 …

“t o” 是介词的相关 短语 小结:

b e/get used to 习惯于 / 适应于 = get/ be accustomed to

p ay attention to 注意 … lead to 导致;通向

b e/get addicted to 沉溺于 … add to 使增加;使扩大

l ook forward to 盼望 / 期望 contribute to 有助于

o bject to 反对 adjust/adapt to 适应

t urn to 转向,求助于 r efer to 涉及;参考

26. What if 如果 … 会怎么样?/ 要是 … 会怎么样?


1. enough food 足够的食物 big enough room 足够大的房间

( enough 的用法小结)

2. decrease …to… 减少到 …. decrease…by… 减少了 …

3. die off 相继死去 die away 逐渐消失 die down 逐渐变弱

die for 为 … 而死 die of… 死于(内因) die from 死于(外因)

be dying for 渴望 …

(说明 die 的基本用法,短动,进行表将来,完成时用 be dead 表示状态)

4. at a loss 不知所措,损失 suffer great losses 遭受重大损失

make up for the loss 弥补损失

5. reserve sth for sb 为某人预定某物

reserve one’s opinion 保留 .. 意见

6. too much + n 或修饰动词 much too + adj 表示“过量的”

7. hunt for=look for 寻找 ….

hunt sb/sth down 缉捕某人 / 搜寻某物

8. in peace 和平 地 in excitement 兴奋地 in anger 生气地

in surprise 惊讶地 in silence 沉默地 in danger 处于危险地

9. respond to sb/sth with sth 用 … 对 … 做出反应

in response to 作为对 …. 的答复 / 反应

10. in the distance 在远处 keep sb at a distance 与某人保持距离

11. turn down 关小 turn on 打开 turn off 关掉

turn to 求助于 turn away 不准进入 turn up 调大 / 出现

turn in 上交 turn out 熄灭,结果是 turn over 翻转 / 认真思考

12.in relief 如释重负 to one’s relief 令某人安心的是

It is a relief to … 做 … 是让人欣慰的事

relieve sb of sth 帮助 …. 减轻 …

relieve one’s pain/pressure 减轻某人的痛苦 / 压力

13. burst into laughter=burst out laughing 突然大笑起来

14. without mercy 凶残地 / 毫不留情地

show/have mercy to sb/sth 对 … 表示怜悯

beg/ask for mercy 乞求宽恕

15. be certain/sure to do sth 肯定会做某事

be certain/sure of sth 对 … 有把握

be likely to do sth. 可能做某事

16.protect …. from… 保护 … 不受 … (危害)

prevent….from…/stop …from…/ 阻止 … 做某事

keep…from (不能省略 from ) … 阻止 … 做某事

17.affect sb to tears 把某人感动得流泪

sb be affected by… 某人被 … 感动

affect sb/sth 影响某人或某物

have an effect on sb /sth 对 ….. 有影响

18.pay attention to …./adv 注意 …

19.appreciate (sb) doing sth 感激 / 喜欢 … (做) …

Sb appreciate it if ….. 如果 …. 将感激不尽

20.succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事

Succeed to sth 继承 ….

21.employ sb/sth to do sth 雇佣 … 做某事

sb/sth be employed in doing sth 从事 … 忙于 …

22.do harm to sb/sth =do sb/sth harm 对某人有害

23.what a/an + (adj)+ n+ 主语 + 谓语

What + adj + u/pl + 主语 + 谓语

How + adj + a/an + n + 主语 + 谓语

How +adj/adv+ 主语 + 谓语

How + 主语 + 谓语

24.photograph sb/sth 给 …. 照相、拍照

Take a photo of sb/sth 给 …. 照相、拍照

25.as usual = usually 通常,跟往常一样

26.be related to sb/sth 与 … 有关 / 有联系

27.make sure +that+ 句子 弄清,查明某事

28.come into being 产生,形成 come into use 开始使用

c ome into power 执政,当权 come into fashion 开始流行

29.according to sb/sth 根据 …. (所说) including prep. 包括,包含


1. have a lot/a great deal/much in common 有很多共同之处

have nothing/little in common 没有 / 几乎没有共同之处

2. face /accept reality 面对 / 接受现实

3. go ahead 先走, go through 经历,遭受,通过

go against 反抗,与 … 不符 go over 反复研究,仔细检查

go in for 爱好 ,参加考试或竞赛

4. result in 导致

result from 起因于 ….

as a result of 由于 ..

5. make an application to sb for sth 向 …. 申请 …..

apply for 申请 …. apply to 适应于 …. 应用于 …….

apply…to…. 把 … 应用到 …..

6. set a/one’s goal 树立目标,确立目标 keep goal 守门

reach/realize one’s goal 达到目标 score a goal 进一球

7. it was + 时段 + before…. 过了 …. 才 …. (从句用一般过去时)

it was not+ 时段 + before… 不久就 ….. (从句用一般过去时)

it will be + 时段 +before+…. 要不了 ….. 就 …. (从句用一般现在时)

it will not be + 时段 +before+…. 要过 ….. 才 …. (从句用一般现在时)

8. make + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 ( 要弄清宾补的含义 )

What he said made all of us laugh. 他的话让我们大家都笑了。

Please speak louder to make yourself heard. 请大声点,以便大家都能听到。

The news of his death made us sad. 他死亡的消息使我们难过。

We made Tom our monitor 我们让他当我们的班长。

9. so ….that …. 句型和 such …..that…. 句型的差异。

It is such a heavy box that I can’t carry it. 这个箱子太重,我搬不动。

10. be +of + ( no,some, any,little,much,great 等)抽象名词 =be + 抽象名词所对应的形容词

They are of great help (=very helpful) to English learners.

他们对 英语学习 者来说是很有帮助的。

be + of + 名词还可以表达没有相应形容词的名词。

( size, age, color, height, shape. 等)

We are of the same age. 我们一样大。

14.give up 放弃 give off 发出,放出 give back 归还,送回

give out 用完,发出(光,热) give in 屈服,让步

give over 将 …. 交出 give away 赠送,捐赠

15.consist of 由 ….. 组成 consist in 在于,位于

be consistent with…. 与 … 一致 .

16.signal to sb 向 … 发信号 signal sb to do sth 示意 ... 做某事

17. in a way 在某种程度上 no way 没门 in no way 一点也不,绝不 all the way 一直,至始至终 on the way to 在去 … 的路上 .

18.make up for 补偿,弥补 make out 听清,辨别清楚

make it 获得成功 make the most/best (use) of 充分利用

make up one’s mind 下定决心 make room for … 为 … 腾地方

make sense of 理解

19.help sb out 帮助 … 摆脱

help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

help (to) do sth 帮忙做某事

help oneself to sth 随意(拿,吃)某东西

can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事

can’t help but do sth 只好做 ….

20.provide sb with sth 向 …. 提供 …..

provide sth for sb 为 …. 提供 ….

21.share….with sb 与 …. 分享 ….

23.after all 毕竟,归根结底,别忘了

24.deal with ( 与 how 搭配 ) =do with ( 与 what 搭配 ) =cope with 处理,应付

25.keep watch 看守,警惕 keep a close watch 严密监视

watch over 看守,监视 watch out 小心,留神

watch out for sb/sth 小心某人 / 某物

26.it is no use/good doing sth 做某事是没用 / 好处的

It is worthwhile/worth doing sth 做某事是值得的

27.mean to do sth 打算做什么

Mean doing sth 意味着 …..

28.make a mistake = make mistakes 犯错

29.program sth with sth 用 …. 给 … 编程


1. compete with/against sb (for sth) 为 …. 与某人竞争

compete in 在 …. 竞争

compete for….. 为 … 竞争

2. take part in sth 参与 ….. 活动

attend sth 出席 / 参加 …..

join sb in sth 在某项活动中参加到某人所在的那方

join in sth 参加某活动

join sth 参加某组织、团体等

3. stand for 代表

stand up for 支持,维护

stand out 突出,显眼

stand by 支持,袖手旁观

4. interview sb about sth 就某事采访某人

interview sb for a job 对某人进行 面试

give an interview 接受采访

5. volunteer to do sth 自愿 / 主动提出做某事

volunteer for sth 自愿为 ….. 做某事

6. used to do sth 过去常常做某事

didn’t use to do sth 过去不做某事

be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

be used to do sth 被用与做某事

7.a regular bus 班车

a regular customer 常客,老顾客

lead a regular life 过上有规律的生活

normal temperature 正常体温

an ordinary worker 一位普通工人

8.on the basis of economy 以经济为基础

on the base of the building 房子的地基

9.admit (to) doing sth 承认做了某事

admit sb to be +n/adj 承认某人是 ….

admit that…… 承认 … …

admit sb/sth to into sth 准许某人 / 某物进入 …..

sb be admitted to/into …… 某人被 ….. 录取

10.allow sb to do sth=sb be allowed to do sth 允许某人做某事

a llow doing sth 允许做某事

a llow for sth 考虑到 ….

11.as well 肯定句末尾;too 肯定句末尾;either 否定句末尾;also 行为动词前助动词之后;

So+ 助词 + 主语 主语也 ……( 一件事 )

nor/neither+ 助词 + 主语 主语也不 …… (一件事)

so it is/was with sb 多件事也 ……

it is/was the same with 多件事也 …..

so + 主语 + 助词;nor/neither + 主语 + 助词(表示强调 “ 的确 ” )

12.take on responsibilities 承担责任

have/take responsibility for….. =be responsible for….. 对 …. 负责

13. replace ….with/by…. 用 …. 替换 / 取代 ….

replace sth sp 把某物放回原处

take one’s place =take the place of 代替 …..

in place of =instead of sb/sth 代替 / 顶替

14.every + 序数词 /+ 单数名词;每隔 …..

every + 基数词 + 复数名词;

every second day=every two days 每隔一天 / 每两天

every + few + 复数名词;

every +other + 单数名词;

every other day=every few days 每隔几天 / 每几天

15. that/this is why….. 那 / 这是为什么 …. 的原因

That is why they refused to do so. 那就是他们拒绝为什么那么做的原因。

This/that is because …. 这 / 那是因为 …..

That is because she didn’t catch the regular bus. 那是因为她没有赶上班车 .

16.as ….as 与 …. 一样

as+adj +a/an + 单数名词 +as 一样 … 的 ……

a s beautiful a building as 一样漂亮的房子

as +many + 复数名词 +as 一样多的 ….

a s many friends as 一样多的朋友

as much + 不可数名词 +as 一样多的 ….

a s much money as 一样多的钱

17. in charge of 负责 / 掌管 …..

in the charge of 被 ….. 掌管 / 由 ….. 负责

take charge of 负责 / 掌管 ….. charge sb with (doing)sth 因 …. 控告某人

in front of 在 ….. 前面 in the front of 在 …. 前部

in control of 控制 …. in the control of 在 ….. 的控制之下 / 被 … 控制

18.advertise sth 宣传某事;advertise for sb 登 广告 招聘 ….

19.marry late/early 晚婚、早婚

marry sb =get married to sb 与某人结婚(表示动作)

be married to sb 与某人结婚(表示状态)

marry A to B 把 A 嫁给 B, 或让 A 与 B 结婚

20.promise (sb) to do sth 答应(某人)做什么

promise sb sth = promise sth to sb 答应某人某事

21.pick up 捡起,搭载,学会;

pick out 挑选,辨别出;

pick off 去除 pick over 仔细挑选

22.one after another 陆续地,一个接一个地;

one and the same 同一个;

one by one 逐一地,逐个地;

one and all 各位,大家。

23.deserve +sth 值得,应得;

deserve to do …… 应该做 ….

sth deserve doing =sth deserve to be done ….. 值得被做

24.the more ….,the more ….. 越 ….. 越 ……

The more you speak English, the better your English will become.

The + 比较级 +of the two +n. 两个 … 中较 … 的那个。

25. 强调句 it is/was ……that/who …. 被强调的成份是“人”时,引导词用 who 或 that; 被强调的成份不是“人”是“物”时,引导词用 that.


1.survive sth 幸免于 ……( 灾难, 故事 等 )

survive sb by…… 比 ….. 多活 …..

survive on sth 靠 …. 生存

survive from 从 …… 幸存或流传下来

2. be valuable to…. =be of value to …… 对 ….. 有价值

3.search sb/sth 搜查 ….

search sb for sth 为 …. 搜 ….. 的身

search for 寻找 …..

4. in search of 寻找 ….

in need of 需要 ….. in place of 代替 ….. in fear of 担心,害怕 in charge of 掌握,负责 in favor of 支持,赞同 in memory of /in honor of 为了纪念 ……

5.be amazed at/by/that…. 对 ……. 感到惊讶

6.select sb to do sth 选择 …… 做 …..

select….from….. 从 …. 中挑选

7. be designed for 为 … 而设计

be designed as 设计成 …..

choose from/between 从 ….. 选择

by design=on purpose 故意地 in design 在设计上

8.take a fancy to do sth 喜欢 …….

fancy doing sth 喜欢做 …… (归纳只接 doing 做宾语的相关动词)

mind/miss, enjoy/escape/excuse, prevent/practice, suggest, consider keep on, avoid/admit/appreciate, risk/resist, finish/forbid/fancy, imagine/can’t help( 忍不住,禁不住做某事 )

9. out of style 过时 in style ; 流行,盛行

10. decorate sth with...... 用 …… 装饰 …

11. in return 作为回报 in time 及时 in ruins 在废墟中 in silence 沉默地

i n short 简而言之 in danger 处于危险中 in trouble 处于困境中 in need 需要

i n case 以防万一 in surprise 惊讶地 in fact 事实上 in evidence 显而易见地

12.remove sth from … 把 … 从 … 移开 / 去掉

13.worth :prep 相当于 …. 价值的,值得的。

be worth +n 值 ….

Sth be worth doing …… 值得被做 ……

Be worth it ……. 是值得的

worthwhile :adj 值得做的 / 值得花的

It’s worthwhile to do sth/ doing sth …… 值得做某事 / 做 …. 是值得的

worthy :adj 有价值的,配得上的,应得的

be worthy of +n 应得某物

sth be worthy of being done 某事值得被做 /=sth be worthy to be done

14.take apart 拆开 take away 拿走 take out 拿出,取出

apart from 除 ….. 以外(别无其他) =except

除 …... 之外(还有) =besides

15.sb could never have imagined that….. (某人无法想象 ( 过去 )…… )

16.be made (not) to do….. 被迫(不)做某事

17 . have/has sth done……. (把 …… 做成 ….. )

18. what happened to sb (发生在某人身上的事情);

what sb/sth look(s) like( 某人、某物的样子 )=what sb/sth is(are) like ;

what sb/sth used to be like( 某人、某事过去的样子 ) ;

what sb can do 某人能(会)做的事情;

what sb thought ( 某人所想的事情 ) ;

19.this is a time when …….( 这是一个 …… 的时代 )

There is a time when …….( 有一个 ….. 时代 ) ;

20. there is no doubt that …… (毫无疑问 …… 或 …… 是毫无疑问的);

There is some doubt whether …(… 是有些疑问的 ) , 句中的 whether 不能换成 if;

It is +n/adj/done+that …… 是主语从句如:

It is reported that…… 据报道 ….. ;

It is said that……. 据说 ….

It is believed that…… 有人认为 …..

It is proved that ….. 事实证明 ……

It is good news that he passed the exam. 他通过了考试是好消息。

It is no wonder that he passed the exam. 他通过了考试是不足为奇的。

21. to one’s +n( 令 …. 的是 ) 名词可以是 surprise/sadness/joy/excitement/ 等抽象名词。

22.by oneself 单独地,独自地 for oneself 亲自地,靠自己的力量;

23.think highly/much /wellof 看重,器重 ….

s peak highly/well /much of…. 高度赞扬 ….

24. return …..to…. 把 …. 归还给 …..

25.some/any 及其合成词的用法小结。

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非限定性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明(注:通常和主句间用逗号隔开,不受主句 句子 结构的影响,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立)






People who take physical exercise live longer. 进行体育锻炼的人活得长些。(若把从句去掉句子就失去意义)

His daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week. 他女儿现在在波士顿,下星期回来。(若把从句去句子意义仍然完整)



He is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽车被窃的那个人。

I’ve invited Jim, who lives in the next flat. 我邀请了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。



I have a sister who is a doctor. 我有一个医生的姐姐。(姐姐不止一个)

I have a sister, who is a doctor. 我有一个姐姐,她是当医生的。(只有一个姐姐)


限定性定语从句的先行词只能是名词或代词,而非限定性定语从句的先行词则可以是名词或代词,也可以是 短语 或句子;另外,当先行词为专有名词或其他具有独一无二性的普通名词时,通常要用非限制性定语从句,而不用限制性定语从句。如:

Peter drove too fast, which was dangerous. 彼得开车很快,这是很危险的。(which指drive too fast)

He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。(which指整个主句)






Eg: 1. The girl whom I borrowed the bike from is my friend.

2. The girl from whom I borrowed the bike is my friend.

3. How is the film about which I often talked to you?

4. Is this the room in which Mr. Smith lives?


1. This is the bag which he is looking for .

2. The old lady whom she is looking after is her teacher.



一. 概念:主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。

二. 各种时态被动语态的形式

1. 一般现在时的被动语态 am/is/are + done

2. 一般过去时的被动语态 was/were + done

3. 一般将来时的被动语态 ⑴will be done is/am/are going to be done

4. 现在进行时的被动语态 is/am/are + being + done

表示说话人说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作,经常和时间副词now (现在), right now (现在, 此刻), at present (现在,目前), at this moment (此刻)连用。

5.现在完成时的被动 have/has been done

现在完成时常与already, always, often, ever, never, yet, not...yet, just等不表示明确的时间副词连用, 还可以和表示时间一直延续到目前的带(ever )since, for的状语及包括现在在内的词连用。如: now, today, this month, this year, recently, these days,many times, so far, by now, in the past/last few days/years… 等。6. 过去完成时的被动 had been done

7. 过去将来时的被动 would be done

8. 过去进行时的被动 was/were being done

9. 带情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 + be done

10. 动词不定式的被动式 to be done

e.g. It is an honor for me to be asked to speak here.

三. 注意事项

1. 并不是所有动词都有被动语态

happen, take place, break out, belong to, cost, last等不及物动词或词组无被动语态。

2. 短语动词、固定搭配变被动语态介词或副词不能省。

E.g. Time should be made full use of.

3. 双宾语:一个宾语成主语,另一主语保留不变。

E.g. Mother will buy me an iphone5. → I will be bought an iphone5 (by my mother) .

→ An iphone5 will be bought for me (by my mother) .

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