
今天给各位分享flymetothemoon歌词的知识,其中也会对flyingtothemoon歌词进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!本文目录一览: 1、求《fiy...



求《fiy me to the moon》完整歌词,中英文的都要

Fly me to the moon-宇多田光(中英对照)

[ti:Fly Me to the Moon]




[00:00.55]Poets often use many words【诗人往往用纷繁复杂的语言】

[00:06.36]to say a simple thing【去述说一个简单的故事】

[00:12.44]It takes thought and time and rhyme【其中需要多少时间和韵律的思量】

[00:17.94]to make a poem sing【才能诗成一首】


[00:23.99]With music and words I've been playing【随着播放着的音乐与歌词】

[00:29.87]for you I have written a song【我为你写下了这首歌】

[00:35.97]To be sure that you know what I'm saying【为了让你明白我的心意】

[00:41.90]I'll translate as I go along【离别前我将会为你精心译唱】


[00:48.65]Fly me to the moon【带我飞向月球吧】

[00:51.81]and let me play among the stars【让我在浩繁星空中流连忘返】

[00:58.16]Won't you let me see【你一定会带我去欣赏】

[01:00.97]what Spring is like on Jupiter and Mars【木星与火星的春天】

[01:09.13]In other words: hold my hand【换句话说:请握紧我的手】

[01:14.89]In other words: darlng, kiss me【换句话说:亲爱的 请吻我】


[01:20.46]Fill my heart with songs【让我心中充满悦耳的歌声吧】

[01:23.62]and let me sing forever more【让我把它们传唱到永远】

[01:30.35]Cause you're all I long for【我这一切都是为了】

[01:34.66]all I worship and adore【对你不灭的敬仰与热爱】

[02:13.52][01:41.53]In other words: please be true【换句话说:请真心对我】

[02:24.01][01:46.92]In other words: I love you【换句话说:我爱你】




[02:30.80](I love you....)


[02:37.28]「Fly me to the moon」

[02:39.60]「In other words」2007 Mix


[02:44.47]《动感新势力Anime New Power》2007年11月歌曲精选辑「天泉」File.4

[02:50.79]作词:Bart Howard

[02:53.32]作曲:Bart Howard

[02:56.93]编曲:Toshiyuki Ohmori

[03:00.44]原唱:佩姬·李 Peggy Lee

[03:04.43]演唱:宇多田光 Hikaru Utada







fiy me to the moon的歌词

原文 译文 Fly me to the moon 带我飞向月球 And let me play among the stars 并让我在群星之间嬉戏 Let me see what Spring is like 让我看看在木星和土星上的春天是怎样的 On Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand! 换句话说,请握住我的手 In other words, daring, kiss me! 换句话说,亲爱的,吻我 Fill my heart with song 让我的心灵充满歌声 And let me sing forevermore 并让我永远歌唱 You are all I long for 你是我所有的渴望 All I worship and adore 我所敬仰与热爱的一切 In other words, please be true! 换句话说,请真心对我 In other words, I love you! 换句话说,我爱你 FLY ME TO THE MOON (Original Version) Composed by : Bart Howard ANITA O'DAY (Vo); Gene Harris (p); Andrew Simpkins (b); Bill Dowby(d). Recorded October 12, 1962 in New York City

《fly me to the moon》歌词的中文翻译

作词/ Bart Howard 作曲/Bart Howard

Songwriter : Bart Howard Composed by : Bart Howard

编曲/Toshiyuki Ohmori 演唱/CLAIRE

Arranged by : Toshiyuki Ohmori Vocal : CLAIRE

原文 译文

Fly me to the moon 带我飞向月球

And let me play among the stars 并让我在群星之间嬉戏

Let me see what Spring is like 让我看看在木星和土星上的春天是怎样的

On Jupiter and Mars

In other words, hold my hand! 换句话说,请握住我的手

In other words, daring, kiss me! 换句话说,亲爱的,吻我

Fill my heart with song 让我的心灵充满歌声

And let me sing forevermore 并让我永远歌唱

You are all I long for 你是我所有的渴望

All I worship and adore 我所敬仰与热爱的一切

In other words, please be true! 换句话说,请真心对我

In other words, I love you! 换句话说,我爱你

Fly Me To The Moon 歌词

《Fly Me To The Moon》

演唱:Felicia Sanders

Fly me to the moon


And let me play among the stars


let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars


In other words hold my hand~


In other words Darling kiss me~


Fill my heart with song


And let me sing forever more


you are all I long for all I worship and adore

你是我所有的渴望 我所敬仰与热爱的一切

In other words Please be true!


In other words I love you!


Fly me to the moon


And let me play among the stars


let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars


In other words hold my hand~


In other words Darling kiss me~


Fill my heart with song


And let me sing forever more


you are all I long for all I worship and adore

你是我所有的渴望 我所敬仰与热爱的一切

In other words Please be true~


In other words I love you~



Fly Me To The Moon 由巴特·霍华德(Bart Howard)应发行商创作单曲要求,创作于1954年。是首华尔兹舞曲,也是他最有名的一首作品。最初由当时他工作的酒店的驻店歌手Felicia Sanders演唱。发行商试图将其改名为“Take Me to the Moon” 但是巴特·霍华德拒绝了。

之后这首歌被定名为Fly Me to the Moon。由佩姬·李(Peggy Lee)1960年演唱的版本成名。而弗兰克·辛纳塔(Frank Sinatra)的翻唱更是让这首歌的名声达到了一个无法形容的地步。美国宇航局曾把他演唱的这首歌的唱片通过阿波罗飞船送上月球,使得这首歌曲成为第一首在月球上播放的人类歌曲。



