
本篇文章给大家谈谈频度副词,以及频度副词放在情态动词的前还是后对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、频度副词的概念 2、...




一、频度副词的概念与用法 频度副词是指表示动作发生的次数副词,常见有的never, seldom, sometimes, frequently, often, usually, always 等。频度副词通常位于实义动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词等之后。


英语中回答"经常与否"的副词称为频度副词(Adverbs of Frequency)。  

频度副词主要有: always,usually,sometimes,occasionally,seldom,never,generally,frequently,hardly,ever,never,rarely,  constantly,continually,scarcely 等。


频度副词( Adverbs of Frequency )表示动作发生或状态存在的频繁程度.这类副词(词组)中,有的所表示的频度很明确,例如:once,twice,three times a day,every week,every other day 等;有的所表示的频度比较含糊,例如:often,usually,always,sometimes,now and then 等.

1 . Never(0) 从来都不,决不.该词位于句首时,句子的主谓语要倒装.例如:Never have I met such a strange man.(我从没见过这样奇怪的人.)

2 . at no time (0) 从不,任何时候都不( =not at any time ).该词组置于句首时,句子的主谓语要倒装.例如:

At no time has he said such words.(他在任何时候都没有说过这种话.)

3 . seldom/rarely(5%) 很少,难得.这两个词均有否定意思,置于句首时,句子的主谓语要倒装.例如:

My family seldom go to the movies.(我们家很少去看电影.)

Seldom/Rarely does she eat breakfast on workdays.(工作日期间她几乎不吃早餐.)

4 . hardly ever (5%) 几乎不,难得( =almost never ).例如:

I hardly ever see her nowadays.(近来我很少见到她.)

5 . once in a while (5%) 偶尔,有时,间或.例如:

I went to see him once in a while.(我偶尔去看他.)

6 . from time to time (10%) 时常,有时.例如:

He dropped in on me from time to time.(他有时顺便来看我.)

7 . sometimes (20%) 有时.例如:

On weekends sometimes we stay at home,and we visit our friends sometimes.(周末我们有时在家,有时去会朋友.)

8 . at times (20%) 有时,偶尔.例如:

I do feel a little nervous at times.(我有时的确感到有点紧张.)

9 . now and then (20%) 时而,不时.该词组前面有时可与 every 连用.例如:

He raised his eyes every now and then while reading.(他看书时不时地抬起头来歇歇眼睛.)

10 . as often as not (50%) 往往.例如:

As often as not the buses are late on foggy days.( 每遇多雾天气,公交车往往晚点.)

11 . more often than not (55%) 多半.例如:

More often than not they help us.(他们经常帮助我们.)

12 . constantly (60%) 时常,不断地.例如:

The teacher is constantly asked for explanation of the text by his students.(学生们不断地要老师讲解课文.)

13 . frequently (60-70%) 时常,频繁地.该词强调一段时间内动作发生的频繁程度.例如:

Advertisements appear frequently on the TV screens.(电视屏幕上广告频频出现.)

14 . often (60-70%) 经常.强调习惯性,有时相当于 very frequently .其反义词为 seldom .例如:

My grandma often says,“I love books.They give me knowledge and make me happy.” (奶奶常说,“我喜欢书,书给我知识,使我快乐.”)

15 . usually (80%) 通常.例如:

What time do you usually get up on Sundays?(你周日通常几点起床?)

16 . almost always (90%) 几乎总是.例如:

Those who are almost always thinking of others should be the more,the better.(几乎总是为别人着想的人越多越好.)

17 . always (100%) 总是.其反义词是 never .例如:

No matter what the weather is like,you can always find surfers out riding the waves.(无论天气怎样,你总是可以看到冲浪运动员外出冲浪.)

18 . all the time (100%) 始终;一直;在全部时间内.例如:

Our knowledge of the universe is growing all the time.(人类对宇宙的认识一直在增加.)


ever、never、rarely、seldom、once,、often、occasionally、 constantly、 frequently等。

一、ever 英 ['evə(r)]     美 ['evər]    

adv. 曾经;在任何时候;究竟;一直;永远

示例:Nothing ever happens in this village.


二、rarely 英 ['reəli]     美 ['rerli]    

adv. 很少;难得

示例:She rarely went anywhere except to her office.

她除了去办公室以外, 很少去别的地方。

三、seldom 英 ['seldəm]     美 ['seldəm]    

adv. 很少;难得

示例:The apple tree is seldom fruitful.


四、always 英 ['ɔːlweɪz]     美 ['ɔːlweɪz]    

adv. 总是;一直;始终;永远;随时;无论如何

示例:A live band is always a good draw at a party.


五、often 英 ['ɒfn]     美 ['ɔːfn]    

adv. 经常;时常;屡次

示例:I often take my children to play in the park.



频度副词:always(总是),usually(通常),frequently(经常) often (经常)sometimes(有时),seldom(不常),rarely(极少),never(从不) once(一次),twice(两次),等. 扩展资料


1、在系动词之后。如:She is sometimes very busy. 她有时很忙。

2、在第一个助动词或情态动词之后。如:I will never forget this lesson. 我将永远忘不了这一课。

3、在实义动词之前。如:We often go there. 我们常去那儿。

4、sometimes也可放在句首、句中或句末,often也可放在句末(一般不放在句首)。如:Sometimes she writes to me. =She writes to me sometimes. 她有时候给我写信。She writes to me often. 她经常给我写信。

5、如果有两个助动词,频度副词通常放在第一个助动词后面。如:We have never been invited to one of their parties. 他们聚会,一次也没邀请过我们。She must sometimes have wanted to run away. 她有时候一定想到过要逃走。


